About Us

Barshiv Cottages

Barshiv Cottages

Barshiv Cottages is located about 2 kms from Kashid Village in Maharashtra, India. It has 2 bedrooms, with an attached bathroom and beautiful view of the sea.

It is the perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and have a peaceful holiday. The food is prepared by the caretaker and the local cuisine is a delight for every foodie.

To get to Barshiv Cottages, take the first left after Barshiv village and then take the right towards the Beach.

Multiple activities will make your stay more interesting and informative.

Do visit our other resorts:

  • Kolad Cottages along the Kundalika river kundalikacottages.com
  • Kashid Cottages near Kashid Beach kashidcottages.com